… Embracing the Broken Path

Perhaps your life was headed in a beautiful direction when you were hit by an unexpected loss or trauma that suddenly changed the entire trajectory of your life. Maybe your loss feels too private to share with even your closest friends and family. And perhaps you have lost your faith in the process, so now you feel more alone than ever.

Or perhaps you are in a relationship with someone that you love that has become mentally or spiritually abusive and you have lost the person inside yourself that you used to be. Now you are unsure how to move forward.

Or maybe you have changed over the years through your life experiences, and the career that you once loved no longer fits you. And you are looking for another career but feel overwhelmed at so many possible paths and have no idea where to start.

If any of these stories sound familiar, just know that while you may be lost,

you are not alone.

Together we will explore the paths that have brought you to this place, grieve the broken pieces, and pick up the unexpected treasures along the way as we find a new path of hope.

My role is to give you a safe place to process your story, aloud and uncensored. I will listen for themes of your journey and help you identify what you still need for your new path of hope—whether it is practical tools, life-giving relationships, new perspectives, or spiritual healing. I will be there to support you, as you take one step at a time to walk the path of life in the freedom that God desires for you.

Have you lost your way?

Professional Counseling

Christian Counseling

Are you ready to take the

Next Step?